Junior Marketing Manager

зарплата не указана
Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Менеджер по маркетингу

Marketing strategy development for CEE Region;
Development comprehensive marketing plans to achieve sales plan;
Working closely with the sales teams in countries, enabling them to meet their commercial objectives;
Analyze the effectiveness of all marketing efforts & report on return on investment;
Maintaining a marketing database;
Setting goals and determine areas that need improvements in marketing;
Strengthening the brand' s presence with diverse marketing & communication actions;
Day - to - day working closely with partners, brands representative and vendors to achieving the goals;
Planning, development and implementation of ATL and BTL actions;
Development of packaging design, POS - materials;
Checking the availability of content, organizing its receipt;
Mandatory implementation of tasks in CRM system.


Experience with Small/Major Domestic Appliances or electronics;
Knowledge of the basic principles and tools for promoting goods;
Solid knowledge of market research techniques;
Fluent Czech and English is a must;
Excellent analytical and leadership skills;
Desire working in a dynamic environment;
Strong time management and organizational abilities.
Experience with Digital marketing or vendors.


Opportunity to realize your potential and career growth in an international company;
Interesting and ambitious tasks;
Working hours: Mn - Fr, 08:00 - 17:00;
Comfortable office;
Salary based on results of interview.



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Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Менеджер по маркетингу