Workers needed

зарплата в час
Строительство / Работник на стройку
The Estonian - Finnish company Alvasar OY is looking for specialists of various professions to join its staff. Our facilities are located throughout Finland.
We draw up all legal working Finnish documents. We provide housing, work clothes, tools and medical insurance. We partially compensate the cost of home - work tickets. We solve all work and domestic issues throughout the contract, our managers are always in touch, ready to help and advise you on any issue.
The level of your salary will depend on your experience, your level of qualification, quality requirements at the facility, the complexity of the work itself and knowledge of languages. The salary level will also depends on your nationality, since in Finland there is a concept of progressive taxation. There are different tax rates for EU citizens and non - EU citizens. Each case is individual, we will tell you the level of your salary immediately after the 1st interview.

We are looking for:
⁃ CNC operators and programmists 11 - 17 euro/hour net.
⁃ Welders 10 - 18 euro/hour net
⁃ Fitters and assemblers 10 - 16 euro/hour net
⁃ Metal painters 10 - 15 euro/hour net
⁃ Pipe fitters and assemblers 10 - 15 euro/hour net
⁃ Concrete workers, steel reinforcement workers 10 - 17 euro/hour net
⁃ Painters for building 10 - 15 euro/hour net
⁃ Ceramic plate workers 10 - 17 euro/hour net
⁃ Scaffolding assemblers 10 - 13 euro/hour net
⁃ Plumbers 10 - 17 euro/hour net
⁃ Electricians (construction, manufacturing, low current) 10 - 17 euro/hour net
⁃ Non qualified workers for building 8 - 13 euro/hour net
⁃ Workers for diferent production lines. This refers to various factories, plants for the production of various goods. 8 - 15 euro/hour net
⁃ Сar mechanics 10 - 17 euro/hour net
⁃ Сar painters 10 - 17 euro/hour net

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Строительство / Работник на стройку