Имеется опыт работы - директором, бухгалтером в кипрских компаниях.
Языки - греческий, русский, английский. Высшее образование (математик). Гражданство Кипра.
● Executing documents on behalf of the Company.
● Ensuring compliance of the Company’s activities with local legislation.
● Ensuring preparation of corporate decisions and monitoring their execution.
● Participation in decision making on the matters related to the Company and its projects.
● Coordinating Company’s providers (accountants, corporate secretary, auditors, lawyers, consultants, etc).
● Ensuring timely preparation and submission of FS and tax returns (including coordination of accountants and auditors of the Company).
● Establishing contacts with CY tax and other authorities.
● Preparing Company’s budgets (with the assistance of accountants or internal financial controller) and their execution.
● Obtaining Company’s certificates and other corporate documents.
● Searching and hiring employees (financial controller, office administrator, other if required) and managing them.
● Searching for office space for the Company and setting up the office.
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Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Бизнес-администратор
+357 96339677
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