Lesson plan
Course of the lesson (pre - discussed with the student):
1 Student tells good news about themselves, their country, then retells text from the given homework. We discuss possible Q&A (questions and answers), commonly used vocabulary and grammar.
2 Quiz based on the homework task. (~10 sentences long)
Quiz mistakes correction.
3 introduction/repetition of new grammar (per student’s request)
4 tasks/dialogues/texts about Russian culture with the use of newly learnt grammar. Introduction to Russian literature, art, architecture, cinematography and everything else that forms the «Russian mentality»
Learning materials are included in the lesson price.
If you would prefer learning by a certain textbook feel free to let me know, the price would not vary. However, if you choose this path, the extra exercises will be excluded. If I happen to not have the textbook you would like to study by, please send me an online (pdf) version of it.
If your level is B2 - C2, I will be sending out relevant articles for discussion.
I recommend taking 2 - 3 lessons a week 1hr30min long (45 min + 45 min)
Preparation for TRKI A1 - C2. I am a certified examiner
I offer free 15 - minute trial lessons. Please send a preferred theme of the lesson and your proficiency of the language before the trial lesson.
It is possible to work on professional lexicon in different areas of the economy (eg. B2+law/economic/diplomatic and other, except for medical)
Поиск работы
Russian language and literature Skype
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