Construction worker

зарплата в месяц
Строительство / Строитель
Construction worker

• Location: Assen, Groningen and Veendam.
• Duration: starting 30 October for longer period
• Job description: The work consists of doing different tasks - handyman jobs, small woodwork, placing doors for example. Also, to do some construction site cleaning and demolishing. The company has three working sites in Assen, Groningen and Veendam. Working hours are during daytime.
• Requirements:
1. Motivated and hardworking
2. Physically fit
3. Communicative English

• Salary: €16,74 per hour bruto for people 21+ years old
• Accommodation: €110 per week for people who are at least 21 years old (double room)
• Health insurance: €33,51 per week



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