Full-time Live-in or Live-out nanny in Italy

зарплата не указана
Домашний персонал - Образование / Няня
Russian/English - speaking nanny is required to work with two girls 1 and 4 years old in the Russian family in Italy.

The candidate should be 35 - 50 years old, qualified, have relevant experience in families and educational facilities and have EU (preferably) or/and Russian passport. The candidate should speak English or Italian language and have a good command of Russian language.

The family is looking for a professional, kind, active, friendly and responsible woman who will take all childcare responsibilities. The candidate should have the solid understanding of the Early Years and developmental milestones and be able to guide the children through these phases.

The candidate will provide the general care and support for the girls, manage daily routine, feeding, hygiene, bathing, putting to sleep and all other duties that are common for the age group of the children. The nanny will assist the girls in their development, evolve early learning, games & walks etc.

Full - time live - in or live - out: 5/2, from 9:00 till 19:00 (sometimes could be more hours). Days off: Saturday and Sunday.
Conditions: a separate room or apartment (to be discussed).
Location: Como and Milan, Italy.
Salary: 1500 - 2000 EUR per month. Extra hours will be paid additionally.
Start: November 16th (the latest date).



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