Russian Speaking Housekeeper

зарплата в месяц
Домашний персонал - Образование / Домработница
Russian Speaking Housekeeper, Farnham (live-in/live-out).

Do you have experience working with private homes as a Housekeeper? Do you speak fluent Russian?

We are looking for an experienced housekeeper to join a HNW family on permanent long-term basis.

Our client is looking for a Housekeeper to work on a shift rota. You will be working 7 days live-in and then 7 days off (you are responsible for your own accommodation for those days off), again 7 days live-in and 7 days off. Essentially working only 14 days each month. The change-over day is Monday. The property is located in Surrey (Farnham), so you need to be living nearby or willing to travel.

Duties of Russian Speaking Housekeeper will be:
• General Housekeeping: cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, polishing, dusting, washing 5 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms, changing sheets;
• Wardrobe Management: ironing, steaming, dry-cleaning, etc;
• Light Cooking: preparing breakfasts for the children only, arranging snacks for school days;
• Stock Management: keeping all stock up to date e. g. food items that need to be brought, cleaning materials;
• Pet Care: occasionally caring for the pets when the family are away or on holidays;

Russian Speaking Housekeeper must be/have:
• Excellent English and Russian;
• Minimum of 3-5 years working for Private Households in the UK as a Cleaner/Housekeeper; References must be available;
• You must have experience working with Wardrobe Management (dry-cleaning, steaming, working with delicate fabrics);
• Please note, the family do have pets, although you will not need to deal with the pets, they will be in the household. If you are allergic/uneasy around cats or small dogs, this role would not be ideal;
• Fast-working, positive and dedicated individual who is interested in long-term commitment;

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