
зарплата не указана
Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Ассистент руководителя
Dear candidates!

We invite you to work as a Business Assistant for the manager of the business of producing and distributing household goods on the Amazon platform in Europe and America.

The candidate must have:

Аn ability to handle multiple tasks in a fast paced and dynamic environment as well as strong organizational skills (you turn all problems into tasks that you solve yourself);

Punctuality and readiness to be always in touch (you are unjustified and do not invent excuses);

Advanced communication skills (you can hear and listen, communicate with people, negotiate, just explain and work in a team);

Responsibility and pro - activity (you take responsibility for your actions);

Inquisitive mind - set with strong desire to learn new subjects and disciplines;

Excellent numerical, reasoning and analytical capabilities (you can describe business processes in semantic maps and create technical tasks);

Great presentation, research and analytical skills.

Main responsibilities:

Coordinate and carry out regular meetings with department heads to best understand their current obstacles;

Search, collect and prepare information necessary for the management to make decisions;

Exploring, examining, consolidating and analyzing business information upon request and preparing briefs in writing if required;

Full administrative support in daily business tasks to the top management of the company (external and internal meetings schedule, organizing calendar and events, check and sort email);

Conduct business correspondence and telephone conversations with business partners, as well as government and tax authorities in English and German languages;

Assisting with the team – checking deadlines, priority setting, work progress etc.


Experience 5+ years as an executive, personal or business assistant preferably in Oil & Gas / E - Commerce/ International Trade and/or Finance consultancy companies;

Knowledge of German at the Advanced level (C1) and above;

Knowledge of English at the Advanced level (C1) and above;

Knowledge of Russian at the Mastery - Proficiency (C2);

References from previous employers;

Advanced PC user.

Working conditions:

- А remote, stable and long - term job in a German company with a guarantee of professional and career growth;

- 8 - hour working day (five days);

- Competitive salary;

- Trial period - 3 months.

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1000$ в месяц
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Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Ассистент руководителя
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2000€ в месяц
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Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Ассистент руководителя