Secretary to Legal Director and Commercial Director

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Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Секретарь
The job will primarily be to provide assistance to the Legal Director and the Commercial Director of a new luxury goods company. It is a small office of approximately one dozen people. There is little secretarial support. The successful candidate will need loads of initiative, be prepared to undertake a wide range of tasks, be IT competent, be willing to liaise with contacts outside the company, be friendly, and have a burning ambition to do things right. You will be part of an extremely innovative, creative and can do team. You will need a bag full of energy to keep up.

The person we are seeking should have some experience as a legal secretary preferably with a top city firm (for some reason you didn't or don't like it) but should also have some general secretarial or PA experience. This is not a straight legal secretary position or straight PA position.

The work will involve:
Prepare responses to routine correspondence
Conduct research and compile data
Prepare documents including legal documents, reports, memos, presentations.

Perform general office duties including ordering supplies, maintaining records.

Make travel and meeting arrangements.
Fluency in Russian would be a big advantage.
Salary- £28,000+ and a discertionary bonus up to 30% of salary.

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