Bookkeeper Full time job

зарплата не указана
Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Бухгалтер
Our client is an international Private equity fund based in London, have asked us to find a Russian speaking Full time Bookkeeper who will asist the finance / accounting team in the company.

Fluency in the Russian language is key requirement, please do not apply if you do not speak Russian.

Very good and reputable company, looks after its employees, private medical insurance will be provided, between 23 - 26 holidays, with probably some extra hols around the christmas time, as well as end of year bonus that will be based in discretion.

You must have all the proper qualifications, as well as a minimum of 3 years' worth of experience.

Please do not apply if you do not have the experience as a bookkeeper in a real work place.

You will be paid very well, it will be negotiable based on your experience.

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