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Appmixer Job Description
At the moment we' re looking for Full Stack Developers (JavaScript, NodeJS, HTML 5, CSS 3) to join our growing startup that provides Embedded iPaaS and workflow automation software.

• Are you interested in working on a state - of - the - art workflow automation and integration system built on the best technologies?
• Do you like to become a part of a growing startup?
• Do you like JavaScript no matter where it runs? (Browsers, NodeJS, MongoDB, etc. )

If You:
• Are proficient in JavaScript
• Can work both in NodeJS and in browser environments
• Have experience with GIT
• Know Vue framework
• Like NoSQL, Linux, Redis, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch
• Like APIs, Internet Protocols, Authentication standards, Workflow automation and Integrations
• Enjoy challenges and improving your skills and are a great problem solver
• Are able to communicate with our customers and us
• Can communicate freely in English

We Can Offer:
• The opportunity to work on a world - class software product
• The ability to work with modern technologies
• A friendly and international group of highly motivated teammates
• The possibility to work from wherever you are
• Competitive salary
• Flexible schedules
• And more!


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