Looking for a PR/marketing/Event manager
A girl of 25 - 40 years old, pleasant appearance
Work experience in PR
Experience in Event
Understanding the work of Affiliate marketing (knowledge of how the market works, how betting and gambling affiliate programs work)
- SMM (maintaining a social company - Insta, FB, Telegram, VK, Tw), content generation (by the smm manager)
- PR (generating info reasons and posting them on profile sites and media)
- Event (participation of the company in exhibitions, about 20 per year), positioning of the company at exhibitions, organization of team participation (registration, booking, flights, etc. )
- Blogging on the company' s website
- Probably blogging (interaction with the audience through your own media)
Conversational English, native Russian
If not in Cyprus - relocation
Availability of a foreign passport with the possibility of frequent business trips
Поиск работы
Public relations managerзарплата не указана
Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Менеджер по рекламе
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