Global Technical Recruiter

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Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Менеджер
Ищем специалиста для работы в product компании в Шанхай (Pudong), full-time/part-time.

Global Technical Recruiter

1. Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management, Business Administration, International Relations, Public Administration or related field required
2. Experience in Recruitment & Selection processes (focused specifically on technical/engineering positions) ;
3. Exceptional interpersonal skills
4. Strong written, presentation/verbal, and negotiation skills
5. Extremely organized and detail oriented with the ability to manage deadlines
6. Fluency in English, both written and oral (abilities in a second language preferred) ;
7. Capacity to manage and prioritize tasks with autonomy;
8. Ability to learn technical information and terminology, if you do not already know IT;
9. Team player with optimism and positive attitude.

1. Supporting posting of job advertisements;
2. Source, screen, interview, and evaluate candidates;
3. Foster long-term relationships with candidates;
4. Review and understand technical job requirements;
5. Review applicants to verify if position requirements are met;
6. Research new technologies;
7. Follow up with candidates.

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