Calculators of energy efficiency for Austrian company

зарплата в час
Строительство / Архитектор
Архитектурная компания, расположенная в Вене, Австрия ищет новых сотрудников для проведения расчетов энергоэффективности зданий. Готовы взять кандидатов без опыта работы. Будет проводиться обучение.

Основные требования:

– английский язык - свободный разговорный;
– базовые знания математики/геометрии;
– внимание к деталям;
– готовность обучаться новым навыкам.

Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание, что для рассмотрения Вашей кандидатуры необходимо отправить коротенькое видео на английском языке на указанный адрес, вместе с Вашим резюме. Отклики без видео рассматриваться не будут.

We are an architecture office located in Austria, Vienna and are looking for new employees to join our remote team of calculators.

What is the Job

We need individuals to join our team of energy efficiency calculator, which will be conducted with a software. No prior Architecture experience needed, we will provide full training and guidance along the entire progress of becoming energy efficiency calculators.

Location of Work:

This job is fully remote, and can be done anywhere

Who we are looking for:

For motivated individuals who are willing to learn new skill sets, are good with numbers, have a long concentration span.

Do you like working for hours with numbers, formulas, and measurements, while being zoned in your own world, work on your own working hours, from where ever in the world, then this is the right job for you.

Working relation:

This is a long term offer and ideally, we are looking for individuals to be on our team for years to come, therefore we will invest a lot of time in your development.

We need several employees who will work 10 - 20 hours per week, according to our experience anything more will affect the quality of the work.


Starting Salary is 10$ per hour, this will increase according to your progress.

Application process:

Stage 1: Send us a video of yourself answering the points below along with your CV:
a) Name, location, and brief summary of education and work experience

b) why is this job suitable for you and why does it interest you

Individuals that seem suitable will proceed to the next step.

Stage 2: Short interview with one of our team members

Stage 3: Gain access to our Online Course and join a live group calculation session on Zoom with one of our instructors
We will hold groups of 4 - 8 applicants in the live calculation sessions at a time.

Additional, everyone will conduct a calculation on their own, along the material covered in the live session, which is due 3 days after the live session.

Duration: 1,5 - 2,5 hours

Payment: 20$ (for everyone who submitted the personal calculation)

Individuals who proved themselves to be competent will advance to the next stage.

Stage 4: Individual interview with the Department Manager.
Individuals who remain after this will proceed to the last stage:

Stage 5: Start working on 2 - 3 weeks trail, calculating actual projects.
Individuals that reach this stage and prove to be competent, will gain a permanent position in the department.

If you feel this Job might be for you, then please send your Video and CV to: Отправить резюме

kind regards,

Arch Korab

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