I started my career studying Architecture, I received my Bachelor degree in 2017, after this I spent 2 years in project management (architect) in the 'Models' workshop with the company Maket - Russia. This involved; communication with customers and project control, my duties included: drafting and analysing blueprints for future projects. This would then adavnce to the stage of ' Laser Cutting' and I would then delegate said projects to a team of six I was managing. I would then liason with clients and present to them the result. I would then negotiate with the client for the final result and would then deliver to their expectations. Finally I would organise the purchasing and logistics of said project and negotiate with transportations companies to deliver the final project.
Some of my key Architectural projects were: arch, landscape and oil models. Exhibition EXPO in Moscow for the President of Kazakhstan. Design project of the library of the Ufa State Oil Technical University for Gazprom Russia. Model for the American oil company Baker Hughes and for LUKOIL Russia. Landscape model for the exhibition " Transport of Russia" for LIMAKMARASH company.
I will require a working visa.
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Seeking Project Manager work in West Yorkshireзарплата не указана
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