Hey! I’m looking for job as a junior administrator or intern.
I’m 23 yo, just finished Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation/ specialist of information security. Currently I’m living in Moscow, Russia.
Unfortunately I don’t have a experience, but I have a great desire to develop in this area.
Additional skills and interests:
• Confident knowledge of Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Word, PowerPoint);
• Knowledge of the operating system of the Windows family;
• Basic skills of working with Windows server OS;
• Basic knowledge of Linux OS;
• Knowledge of the TCP / IP protocol stack;
• Basic knowledge of SQL;
• Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS;
• Experience with GNS3, Wireshark, VirtualBox.
Positive traits: learning ability, diligence, ability to work in a team.
Languages: Russian - native, English - B2, currently studying Japanese (but ready to learn the language depending on the place of work).
I’m ready to move in other country, learn something new and be useful for company.
Thank you for attention, I’ll consider your offer with pleasure!
Поиск работы
IT specialist with no experience but with great desireзарплата не указана
Проживаю в ЕС
Интернет - Программирование / Администратор
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