I will write to begin with how I want and everything about myself, and then how EVERYONE writes:
- Working since the age of 15, I have heard and absorbed a lot of interesting things in the speed of work, efficiency, interest, and communication of a different contingent of people depending on the field of activity, as well as why they work and what is the point of their work. But almost everyone had several possible answers: 1. Debts and Loans; 2. Family and children; 3. They won' t take me anywhere else. After this survey and seeing for what purpose everyone is working, I learned one thing for myself that my goals and desires do not overlap with theirs in any way.
- Working now in the construction company MWC Group of Companies, I have learned a lot, learned a lot, and I am grateful to my manager for this. After a year of successful work, I became his deputy. I was engaged in a lot of things in the company and was multitasking, namely: HR, CRM management, drafting contracts, sales, training and building a Call Center, supply, repairs and many others. No matter how cool everything is read, it' s better to show the opportunity to show how useful I will be to your company, because many people can write and speak beautifully.
And now I' ll write like everyone else:
Energy, contact, ability to work in a team, concentration, ability to convince, ability
to manage people, fairness, stress resistance, striving for growth and development, self - confidence
, decency, self - criticism, optimism, focus on results, increased
efficiency, attentiveness, ability to see details, perseverance, loyalty, correctness,
Поиск работы
I can do anything
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