Hello, My name' s Darya, I' m 18. I can fluently speak English and Russian (my native language). At this moment I live in Russia, Petrozavodsk.
I really want to move to Sweden, get more familiarized with it and stay there permanently in the future.
I am searching for a job in a family as a housekeeper, housemaid or a babysitter with accommodation and meals included. Can also be children' s Russian and English teacher.
I like cooking and have a great cleaning experience, my attitude towards children is very positive.
I haven' t got any unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol.
I' m ready to diligently perform my household duties and take care of the house!
Поиск работы
Housekeeper housemaid babysitterзарплата не указана
Домашний персонал - Образование / Домработница
+79333236663 +79333236663 +79333236663
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