Russian - speaking assistant for your child in development and care.
Highly organized, energetic, detail - oriented, carrying and motivated professional in the sphere of childcare is looking for a position where I can apply my strong skills. Ready to consider different options of employment such as part or full time.
Professional work experience 27 years
2018 - 2021 (2,5 years) worked in a family with 3 kids: 5,2 - years - old and 7 month
Russian family. German, Russia (Moscow), Italy, Switzerland
2018 (6 months) worked in a family with 1.5 - years - old boy. Ukrainian family
2018 – (6 months) worked in a family with 8 and 9 - years - old girls. Russian family. Vietnam
2016 (3 months) in a family with 6 - month - old boy. Arabian – French family. Tunisia
2012 - 2015 worked in a family with 1.8 - years - old boy (he was 4.5 - years - old when I completed my employment). Tunisia in Russian - Tunisian VIP family.
1994 – 2012 worked as a baby sitter and private teacher with 3 months – 14 - years - old children
1995 – 1996 worked as the English teacher for primary school children
Secondary school (№ 241, Kiev)
Applied individual language learning methods to every pupil or group of pupils, as well as the approaches of child development taking into consideration wishes of parents and children individual abilities. During the learning process I used different learning methods: literature (books), audio -, video materials, fairy tale therapy.
As a teacher:
- taught Russian, Ukrainian, English languages (basic level);
- worked with sounds correction and pronunciation
- worked with reading skills: developed pupil’s memory, attention, speech, imagination, logics;
- developed writing (spelling), counting (the fundamentals of mathematics), painting, application, sculpture, organized different games.
- introduced the basics of the communication ethics and behavior (within the society and family), personal hygiene and etiquette.
As a nursemaid or a tutor can do all the cycle of responsibilities:
- maintain the child’s regime, feeding a child (cooking), sleeping, bathing, walking, cleaning the child' s room, washing, ironing and maintaining the child' s clothes in order.
- taking care of a sick child
- accompanying a child to school, entertainment programs, excursions or trips abroad.
Personal and professional qualities:
intelligent, optimistic, have a sense of humor, communicative, diplomatic, accurate, enthusiastic, active, patient, fair minded, responsible, forward looking and able to solve conflict situations.
Additional information
- I grew up in the family of teachers which gave me a great background which I am using while working with kids.
- I like to work with children.
- I have brief experience of work with an autist.
- I have experience of Russian language teaching for foreigners.
- I am leaving a healthy and happy life and have no bad habits.
- I am working with computer on a user level
- I have an international Ukrainian biometric passport
- I visited Russia, Moldova, Lithuania, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Island Crete (Greece), Serbia, Slovakia, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Thailand, Bali, Vietnam, France, Majorka, Italy, Spain, Switzerland. These travels were connected either with my employment or participation in conferences and touristic visits.
2007 – 2004 Ukraine. Kiev.
Institute for Humanities Department. Specialization " Management of foreign economic activity". Bachelor.
1997 – 1994 Ukraine. Kiev
State Linguistics University. Specialization " Philology" Teacher. Bachelor
2007 – 2004 Ukraine. Kiev.
Institute for Humanities Department. Specialization " Management of foreign economic activity". Bachelor.
1997 – 1994 Ukraine. Kiev
State Linguistics University. Specialization " Philology" Teacher. Bachelor
Russian – native
Ukrainian - native
English – upper intermediate
Поиск работы
Governess babysitter caregiver private teacher
зарплата в месяц
Домашний персонал - Образование / Няня
+380676316262 +380676316262
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