Personal Imformation
First name Nadezhda
Date of birth 1982
Nationality Russia
Education and Experience: In 2007 I graduated from the institute as a psychologist and a teacher of psychology. From 2005 - 2018 worked as a social educator and had private counseling as a psychologist. there is also an international diploma as a massage therapist. have experience as a seller.
Mother tongue Russia
Other language: English
I easily find contact with people. I am positive, empathetic. i have a sense of humor, tolerant
. I am responsible in work. physically hardy
Computer skills: confident user
. I worked with children for a long time. I find contact with children quickly. I cook and clean the room well. I love helping people and I can help older people. I can do a relaxing massage. and help to survive a difficult period in life as a psychologist or when choosing a life path
I am married to a Dutch man. Now I am issuing MVW. We have a house. therefore, I do not need housing. at the moment only a tourist visa for 2 years. ready to consider any work. open to your suggestions.
Поиск работы
Ready to consider any work open to your suggestionsзарплата не указана
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