Поиск работы
Project Manager-Director of Construction
зарплата в месяц
Строительство / Инженер
An experienced top manager with a lot of experience. A qualified specialist in the organization and economics of construction. I have a good command of all stages of the construction process – selection and allocation of land plots, calculation of the economic efficiency of the investment project, design and approval, work with contractors, construction, commissioning and subsequent operation of objects. I have good organizational skills, experience in managing teams of up to 500 people. I can carry out current and long - term planning, I have high efficiency, large - scale thinking along with the ability to take into account all the small details, I am proactive, I can find non - standard ways and make the right decisions. I know how to navigate in a difficult situation. The decisions I make mostly work. Knowledge of computer programs: MS Office, MS Project, MS PowerPoint, AutoCAD, Grand estimate
+79850529054 +79859704716 +79850529054
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