Specialist in software implementation maintenance

зарплата не указана
Интернет - Программирование / Программист
Almost 5 years of database experience

I really like to learn and try new things with SQL and PL/SQL queries.

Throughout his professional career, he interacted with various databases:
- Started with simple sql queries,
- Uploaded data for reconciliation of reports of various government agencies,
- Created reports
- Wrote complex queries using join, tables from different databases,
- Created and populated create, update, insert, delete tables
- Wrote small pl/sql queries with loops, for loops and cursors,
- Made minor changes to the package body,
- Created tasks for automatic statistics collection.

In the course of my professional activity, I accompanied, supported and implemented new functionality for several large banks, both from the side of the bank and from the side of the vendor.

I am constantly developing, studying materials on the Internet, attending trainings within the company, team building and other events, thanks to which I develop as an IT specialist.

In my free time, I actively study English with a tutor and undergo basic training in the Python programming language

In the future, I want to add interaction with programming languages ​​to my professional activities.
I am currently Turkey - based and am open to remote work opportunities worldwide and relocation



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