Looking for a job in finance - back office - bank - legal preferably part time in Limassol
Female, 35 years old, Work experience 11 years 2 months.
Follow up all forms and documents for new applicants; Opening and closing, updating
information of client’s accounts; Supporting and providing customer service;
Reconsilation; Daily monitoring of brokerage and custody clients transactions;
Control of execution of client’s trade orders and trade settlements/payments;
Check internal audits; Clients reporting documents, Comunications with custodians,
authorities; Clients monthly fees generation and charging, Set up with new
counterparties; Preparing due diligence and KYC procedures; Knowledge of various
forms of jurisdictions including BVI, Cyprus etc,; Organization and planning in
operations department; Control execution of the authorized bodies (blocking,
suspension); Monitoring of cash transactions (checks and declarations); Control of the
operations carried on the balance sheet of the bank; Monitoring of operations in order
to prevent violation of legalization from crime and financing of terrorism (daily
monitoring of transactions subject to mandatory control); Monitoring and control of
established sale plans; Monitoring and control of compliance with established sales
plans; Effectively handle all complaints issues; Maintaining ongoing reporting on key
business indicators, Ensuring smooth operation of the back office department;
Operational issues of technical, managerial and human nature; Coordination and
supervision staff; Professional leadership skills; Solve administration matters
Advanced PC user. Working with programs: bankir, abc bank, bank - client, diasoft, ABS21
21, MS Office, Exel, IMS Plus.
Поиск работы
Looking for a job in finance-back office-bank-legalзарплата не указана
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Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Офисный работник
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