A qualified chef is looking for a job. I have a lot of experience with modern desserts, breads and pastries. I know the techniques of baking different types of bread, either with using industrial yeast or on leaven. I was engaged in the development of assortment of breads and baking from factories to private bakeries and restaurants. I have a lot of experience in making desserts and cakes. The assortment includes modern mousse desserts, tartlets and tartas, cakes, marshmelow, marmalade, chocolate sweets. I conduct master classes in these areas.
I passed internships and worked with such Chiefs as Sylvain Mathy, co-owner and chief confectioner of the restaurant La Villa Archange, 2 Michelin stars, Le Bistrot des Anges restaurant, included in the book Michelin BIB Gourmet, France, Cannes; Toni Rodrígue - owner of the best vegan confectionery Vegana Lujuri in Europe and own Vegan culinary academy in Barcelona; Frank Haasnoot - Confectioner from the world famous Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel, World Champion in Confectionery.
I have all the necessary skills to manage food production, purchase raw materials, control stock balances, hire and training staff, set production goals and monitor their implementation. Building relationships with state regulatory bodies and meeting all requirements.
Поиск работы
Pastry chef
зарплата в месяц
Гостиница - Магазин - Ресторан / Кондитер
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