About me Extensive experience in front - end development (React, redux, redux - toolkit, mobX, Typescript, Websocket, graphQL, Jest, react testing library, design Systems, SCSS, styled Component, microfrontend, and more) and less experience with Backend (Node JS (Express) ).
My main goal is to always provide end users and my colleagues with a product of perfect quality. To do this, I constantly educate myself and study new trends and technologies.
For end users, I offer beautiful and simple interfaces. I believe that user experience is as important as and performance.
For my colleagues from the development team, I am always ready to share my experience and knowledge. I am a team player and I believe that every member of the team should make every effort to achieve perfect product quality
Work experience — 8 years 9 months
Fintech Sector
Senior Frontend developer
Development of analytical application in one of the biggest it fintech Company.
Technologies we' re using:
HTML/CSS, TypeScript, React, Redux, Redux Toolkit, WebPack, SCSS, styled Component, Ant design, Jest, ESlint, react Testing Library, websockets, react - hook - form
My abilities:
• Passion about software development, innovation and creative thinking
• Knowledge of devops tools (teamCity, openshift), tuning Nginx
• Strong love to writing tests (jest, react testing library) for passing SONAR code quality control.
• Working with agile teams in JIRA sprints.
• Decomposition of backlog tasks, determination of complexity.
• Teamwork using git (bitbacket) using the gitFlow method.
My decisions:
• Acted as a front - end leader, lead frontend development in the team.
• Created from zero the application.
• Participated in the division of the monolith at the microfrontend
• Introduced complex forms and tables. Defended the ideas of improving ui / ux for the convenience of users
Senior Frontend developer
Development of applications for the internal use of the greatest bank
Technologies we' re using:
HTML/CSS, TypeScript, React, Redux, WebPack, SCSS, CSSinJS, MOBX, Jest, ESlint, reactTestingLibrary, websockets and more
My abilities:
• Strong experience with REACT, TypeScript, JSS, Material UI
• Good experience in REST API’s
• Knowledge of Redux and MOBX principles and how to implement them
• Passion about software development, innovation and creative thinking
• Basic knowledge of devops tools (jenkins, openshift).
• Strong love to writing tests (jest, react testing library) for passing SONAR code quality control.
• Use of best practices
• Constant self - learning.
• I have experience with mapping services (mapjl - 2gis), virtualization (react - vtree) to create large object trees.
• Working with agile teams in JIRA sprints.
• Decomposition of backlog tasks, determination of complexity.
• Teamwork using git (bitbacket) using the gitFlow method.
My decisions:
• Acted as a front - end leader, conducted team training.
• Integrated Code Quality tools like Prettier, and advanced ESlint config which remarkably increased code consistency and smoothed the code - review process which subsequently improved delivery speed.
• Implemented virtualization of large tables and trees. It Improved performance and user experience
• I switched the application from redux to mobx, which improved performance and increased the speed of writing code.
• Introduced map interaction instead of lists, which improved user experience and satisfaction
Frontend Developer
Programming of internal crm systems, web portal in big company which consist of many factories in all world.
Technologies we' re using:
Html, css, Javascript, Typescript, React+Redux, jest, Node js
What I did:
Creation of new functionality, app, pages, components and sites.
Code refactoring. Rewriting for new technologies.
My decision:
• Rewrite old app to SPA application, what improved productivity and comfort of using.
• Developed SPA react application from zero.
• Implement typescript in the project - improve reliability
• Work as fullstack developer (React/Node js (Express) )
Website development, adding functionality to existing ones
Html, Css, Javascript, bootstrap, Jquery, React js, redux, php, typescript
Поиск работы
Frontend developer
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