Organization of the work of the analytical laboratory:
1. Sequipment of analytical equipment and consumables for the following tasks: High-performance
liquid chromatography (Shimadzu, Agilent, Waters), gas chromatography
(Shimadzu, Chromatek-Crystal), residual organic carbon analyzer (Shimadzu). UV
spectrophotometry, IR spectrometry (Shimadzu, Agilent). Equipment for titration, pH-meter
and conductometry (Mettler Toledo, AND).
2. Selection of equipment for sample preparation: analytical and technical scales (Shimadzu,
Ohaus), rotary evaporators (Buchi), ultrasonic baths, laboratory centrifuges, magnetic mixers
(IKA), drying cabinets.
3. Selection of laboratory furniture, crockery, and consumables.
4. Organization of works on commissioning, qualification, verification, and maintenance of
laboratory and control and analytical equipment.
5. Organization of workflow inside the laboratory, preparation for the internal and external audit.
6. Development and adaptation of analytical methods for quality control of dosage forms.
7. Validation of analytical methods, a compilation of validation protocols and reports.
8. Support and training of employees of the control and analytical laboratory.
Поиск работы
Химик химик-аналитик хроматографист
зарплата в месяц
Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Офисный работник
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