I work as a CNC machine set - up operator in Israel for over 10 years. In this time, I have gained a lot of experience. I am familiar with various production technologies and machine brands.
I am interested in continuing my career in your country, as I consider it one of the most advanced in technology.
I like to work with equipment, I easily master software.
During my career, I developed logical thinking and often used my creativity to solve
various technical tasks.
I am used to working with precise details and strive for excellence in any project.
Equipment safety is important to me, as well as compliance with industrial safety.
I am glad to help colleagues on work issues.
My goal is never to stop my professional growth. I am always glad to have an opportunity to improve my qualifications based on international standards.
I am 49 years old, and have two citizenships: Russian and Israeli. Currently I live in Israel.
My native language is Russian, my English is at an intermediate level, as well I am ready to learn a new language for better communication.
With your help in obtaining the necessary permits, I will be able to arrive at my new place of work as soon as possible.
With respect,
Поиск работы
CNC machine set-up operator
зарплата в месяц
Рабочий персонал / Рабочий на завод
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