Programmer, developer
System administrator
Information security specialist
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, remote working
Working in the bank program. Work and create PDF documents in the internal language / IDE of the bank.
Assist the legal department in the software preparation of legal documents.
Tyumen State University, Tyumen
Civil law, Law
Russian — Native
English — C1 — Advanced
German — B1 — Intermediate
Polish — C1 — Advanced
Linux, FreeBSD, C, C++, Nasm, Python, Lazarus; Android Studio
Additional information
About me
Studied at " Applied Informatics in Economics" for one year after school, after that programming and IT became my hobby for 15 years and to this day...
Since 2006 I have been constantly using various Linux distributions. I install FreeBSD.
I build the system kernel. I configure network security settings. I build the hardware myself.
Since 2005 I have learned Turbo Pascal, C, C++, Nasm assembler.
I also studied Perl, JS, Java.
I know the following IDEs - Eclipse, Delphi, Lazarus, Code:: Blocks, Geany.
For the Flash shell, I learned the Action Script 2 and Action Script 3 languages.
Recently, I also learned Python 3.
I mastered the dd, gcc, make utilities (Creating a makefile - describing targets, abstract targets, commands for compiling and displaying text, creating directories).
Configuring the Grub bootloader, including for loading FreeBSD.
Sep 2023 - studied satellite protocols.
Sep 2024 - studied the Yocto system (poky, embedded linux) - a system for assembling embedded Linux OS, creating layers in the system, setting program sources in a variable for assembly.
December 2024 - mastering the QA manual (manual testing), the program included the qase. io website, the jiro program, technical parameters and features of different types of testing. I have a certificate.
Ready to consider any IT vacancy at the middle or senior level
I am open to new technologies and ready to quickly and efficiently learn any language and IDE convenient for you.
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Интернет - Программирование / Программист
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