Поиск работы
Hotel Restaurant Bar Managerзарплата не указана
Гостиница - Магазин - Ресторан / Управляющий
As Hotel, Restaurant Manager / Development Manager: experience in hotel and restaurant business. Consulting hotel and restaurant projects from the construction and renovation stage to opening, support after opening. Sales and marketing skills, certification of hotels, crisis management, staff training, conclusion of management / franchising agreements with independent hotels. As General Director of building company: general managing of company (reconstruction of objects of living and nonliving fund), preparation of documents; work with government bodies and executive power. As an interpreter/guide for foreign families in Ukraine (adoption of children by American families): support of families in Ukraine, Poland (American Embassy); preparation and receipt of all documentation; representation in authorities and court. Business contacts in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, China. Driving experience. Personal computer user.
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