I graduated from Graduate School of Biotechnology and Food Technology. As a food technologist, she has experience in keeping records of products that come to the enterprise and also those produced by the enterprise. By my nature, I am pedantic about working with documents and monitoring the quality of products.
Hot shop chef
- Restaurant " La Cantine"
- February 2019 to July 2019
Technological / industrial practice from the university
Preparation of dishes in the hot (precooking) shop according to the flow charts; constant checking of availability, expiration dates of blanks; timely preparation of blanks; assistance in keeping records of products and other inventory items in workshops and in general at the enterprise; work with the quality control system of raw materials, semi - finished products and finished products, regulatory documents regulating the quality of products.
Bartender - waiter
- Coffee House
- April 2017 to August 2017
Compliance with cleanliness in the hall / at the bartender' s workplace; meeting / serving guests; preparation of drinks according to technological maps (TM); continuous checking / timely preparation of blanks (semi - finished products); constant checking of availability, expiration dates of blanks; timely preparation of blanks; assistance in accepting goods on the waybill and further distribution.
Cold shop chef
- Dickman' s Deli
- August 2016 to September 2016
Preparation of products from the cold shop, observing the technology of preparation according to technological maps (TM); continuous checking of the availability, shelf life of blanks in the cold (precooking) shop; timely preparation of blanks (semi - finished products) at the cold shop; assistance in accepting goods on the waybill and further distribution to warehouses.
Поиск работы
Food Technologist
зарплата в месяц
Другие профессии / Технолог
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