My experience
Technical support of sales in the areas of Digital Signage, ESL, RFID.
Developed training programs for technical personnel.
Developed an upgrade to the ESL system.
Developed software for accurate accounting of employees using RFID.
Testing products of the iot segment developed by the company, drawing up instructions for the production and contractors. Development of the concept of devices, preparation of technical documentation for mass production. Software development for concept products.
Developed an individual heating control system for residential complexes with a feedback function for the company manager. Using the MQTT protocol and Eclipse Paho as a client in Python.
As part of the Smart City project, i developed a street lighting control system using a bunch of MQTT, Paho, Python.
Organization and control of the preparation of project documentation.
Training of technical personnel and monitoring of work.
Development of technical specifications for individual programs, task setting for programmers, performance monitoring and task consolidation.
Developed and implemented training methods for technical personnel in the field of installation, initial launch and programming.
Developed and implemented installation and initial launch standards.
Developed and proposed modernizations of hardware and software of the smart home system.
Providing technical documentation
and performance monitoring of smart home, cinema, low current network, video surveillance systems.
Organization of procurement and supply.
Control of installation and commissioning works.
Developed and implemented a strategy for the technical development of the enterprise.
Increased labor productivity and production efficiency by introducing new personnel training techniques.
Поиск работы
Engineerзарплата не указана
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