Ищу работу бухгалтера, помощника бухгалтера.
1992 - 1995 International Institute of Management, Business and Law - Donetsk, Ukraine
Faculty: Economics
Specialty: Bachelor' s degree - accounting, analysis and control of economic activity.
Work experience
March 2021 - present Chief Accountant. LLC - USNO 15% (production and services), LLC - USNO 6%, IPPSN (cargo transportation)
Full maintenance and support of all documentation - from the primary to
the submission of reports. )
January 2017 - February 2021
2015 - 2016
2013 - 2015 Chief accountant in a single person. Management of 2 organizations LLC TD " ALTIOR", LLC
OSNO (wholesale trade, own small production, foreign trade, tolling), IP - PSN (retail trade),
LLC - USNO - 6%
Full maintenance and support of all documentation - from the primary to
the submission of reports. )
LLC " ServisStroy" - accountant, (preparation of documents for electronic trading, registration
of bank guarantees, overdrafts, foreign economic activity (export)
IP - UTII (cargo transportation)
2005 - 2012. The state institution is the Belgorod regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund. Position:
Chief specialist - auditor.
Type of activity: acceptance of quarterly reports of legal entities and individuals, verification and analysis
of accepted reports (desk check), ongoing desk checks in connection with the request of enterprises to
receive reimbursement of expenses on account of accrued insurance premiums, audit work - quarterly
field checks on enterprises together with the PF of the Russian Federation (checking the correctness of
calculating insurance premiums in the FSS of the Russian Federation and the PF of the Russian
Federation, as well as the correctness of spending funds on account of accrued insurance premiums).
2004 - 2004. Oskolneftesnab CJSC - accountant
2002 - 2003 LLC " Dorstroyshcheben" - accountant
2001 - 2002 LLC TD " Vezelsky" - accountant - sales
2001 - 2001 LLC " Kimberly - " - senior accountant (chief)
2000 - 2001 LLC " NAKAT - Stary Oskol" - administrator (sales manager)
1996 - 1998 LLC " New Fortress" - accountant - operator, senior accountant
1995 - 1995 JSC " Diamed - Invest" - specialist of the department of stock operations (Donetsk)
Knowledge of languages
- English - A1 (elementary)
- I have experience working with programs:
1 - With accounting versions 7.7. and 8.3; Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Fireplace.
Поиск работы
Бухгалтер помощник бухгалтера
зарплата в месяц
Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Бухгалтер
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