Поиск работы
Sous chef CHEF cook
зарплата в месяц
Домашний персонал - Образование / Повар в семью
GOOD AFTERNOON my name is Deonisii and I am 28 yers old! I living in south Russia of city Sochi. Now I working in the position is Chef Cook. Mine while experience is Ten years and the last 4 years on the this position> I specialize in Europe cuisine, Japan and AZIA cuisine. many peoples all the time coming to us for get enjoy from my dish and get the maximal service! I can talk about myself all the time but a respect your time too! so I worked for any position and I know many things from restaurant life because I constantly improvemy knowledge, different cooking technologies. I can develop an author' s menu for you, recruit staff and train themand now for this difficult time i understend that i need change! please i hope that you can helps me with job visa!
+79891654865 +79504917407 +79504917407
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